Threads of time...
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Why n where of Life
Why does life go after things not meant for it. Why there is desire for denied fruit. Why do we seek out things which do not have karmic seed in us. The bigger question is why things happen to us which do not have permanency on onset and yet they are sought at the cost of heart wrenching pain. Why despite of best effort and intentions, the outcomes fails us. Who or what decides as to what one would have and what one would not . Why life is full of such complicated entangling and strangulating webs.Why happiness is not independent or can be achieved with inter-dependence ? Why there are varying sensitivites, sensibilities and susceptibilities. Why the life is cluttered and full of paradoxes. Why there is such yawning gap between what we desire for self and what we offer. Why all spheres of life are mired in pettiness,narrowness and constricted confines of self-society paradigm, Why darkness,negativity and pursuit of self-actualisation overshadows goodness,constructive approach and freedom of soul. Why goodness is weak and hesitent while selfishness gets full play. Why rights are wronged and twisters prevail. Why limited confines of material and physical existence get such precedence on intangible,subtle and yet unlimited world of rich emotions,imagination and cognitive exploration of realm we live in. Is there any engraved causality in each act and hence a timebound result. Why so many differentiated paths laid out to reach a goal. Why dosn't fair play wins more often. Is the creator or universal truth also a bit biased or out of sync. Are we split personnas wearing white garb of dictums and self-justified disillusions which wouldn't wanna see and acknowledge its own image in the mirror. Why wouldn't we let good hearted sensitivity and emacipated soul win. Why life is not let to be what its ought to be - a happy journey of self discovery and freedom of soul.
Labels: A dual called Life
posted by Nomade at 4:05 PM

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